Has Anybody Seen Santa?

Has Anybody Seen Santa?

The ‘Santa’ Kids’ Christmas Musical

Kids Christmas Musical - Has Anybody Seen Santa?

This is a charming kids’ Christmas musical about those intrepid private eyes, ‘Dan’ and ‘Snoop’. They are on the hunt for Santa. Who has seen him? Could the bells, Jingle, Tingle, Dingle & ‘Kevin’, be of any assistance? What about the Christmas trees – Pine, Spruce, Fir & ‘Bert’? Surely the presents, namely Big, Shiny, Voucher & ‘Socks’, must have some idea of his whereabouts… Perhaps the participants in the Santa Expo could help?  Or will they just add to the confusion? Has Anybody Seen Santa? is a heartwarming, enchanting Christmas musical for kids. Moreover, this simple play has plenty of humor and a great sense of fun. Furthermore, the hilarious script is so simple to present – with most parts prompted by the Narrator.

Seven delightful Christmas songs accompany each scene from the play.

Generally the songs are presented by each of the chorus groups, including:

The Bells – ‘Ting-a-Ling-a-Jingle’
The Trees – ‘I Wish It Could Be Christmas’
The Presents – ‘Rockin’ Little Christmas’ …and others (see below).

This fun Christmas musical for kids will appeal to all ages. Most importantly, it can be presented with a minimum of fuss – a must during the busy end of year Christmas season!

Running Time: 60 minutes

Has Anybody Seen Santa? Now Available Instantly as a Digital Download

Cost: $59.00 (see below) (Cost includes Performance Royalties)
Use code JOYFUL30 for 30% off! (Offer valid until 18/12/24)

“The digital feature was fantastic! I needed a show in a hurry and could only choose from quick digital downloads available at the time. I’m glad RockED now has this feature, as I really like the show. Thank you for offering it in this format.” 
Performing Arts Teacher, Loch School

Has Anybody Seen Santa? Kids’ Christmas Musical

The Cast

The Narrator
Robbie the Newsboy
Dan ‘B’ Nosey
Minnie ‘The Snoop’
The Christmas Bells – Jingle, Dingle, Tingle & ‘Kevin’ (the cowbell)
The Christmas Trees – Fir, Pine, Spruce & ‘Bert’ (the gum tree or bush)
The Christmas Presents- Shiny, Big, The Voucher & ‘Socks’
The Santas – Shaun, Adam, Nell, Tess & Ashleigh.

The Songs

Santa Ta Ta Ta (The ‘Traditional Santas’ Chorus)


Ting-a-Ling-a-Jingle (The Bells Chorus)


I Wish It Could Be Christmas (The Trees Chorus)


Rockin’ Little Christmas (The Presents Chorus)


Santa’s Back In Town (The ‘Cool Santas’ Chorus)


S.A.N.T.A. (The ‘Letters’ Chorus)


It’s Christmas Time Again (Christmas Around the World Chorus)


Has Anybody Seen Santa? Kids Christmas Musical

Production Pack Includes:

  • Instrumental Performance MP3
  • Vocal Demonstration MP3
  • Sheet Music
  • Lyric Sheets
    + Performance Rights


Order Has Anybody Seen Santa?

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