About Us







RockED Music

School Musicals

Experience, Expertise and Entertainment

Our Story

It was my second year as a Music Teacher. My demands were manageable, weekly music classes, providing assembly items, running the odd talent quest. But early in March, those dreaded two words came up – School Production.
I panicked.

I had no doubts about “Why?”.

Everyone knew school musicals could achieve so much. Students gained self-esteem, formed lasting friendships and learned teamwork. The school benefited from multi-age collaboration, positive teacher student relationships and wider community involvement.

But I had no idea of  “How?”.

I had two options: a ‘traditional’, outrageously expensive musical with difficult songs and a dated storyline, or creating my own. I seriously considered writing my own musical, but soon realised the task was beyond me. Was I capable of creating an amusing script? Could I even write a song? Was it legal to use popular songs? And what about creating backing tracks?

It was then I had the joy of meeting Robin of Sherwood and Cinderella  – as created by the composer John Duff. These musicals had everything I, and every other elementary music teacher, was looking for: hilarious scripts, amusing characters and catchy, bright songs.

Over the next few years, John and I worked together to create more school musicals and classroom programs.

Thus RockED Music was born.

John Duff and I took our RockED Musicals live on tour in schools for several years, in the form of ‘A Musical In A Day’ and ‘A Musical In A Month’.

The time spent doing this hands-on work with schools, for over two decades, means that our musicals have been tried and tested, edited and refined many times over. As a result, each production is guaranteed to be perfectly paced and immaculately structured. The engaging characters and humorous scripts have survived the crucible of numerous workshops, rehearsals and public performances.

Musical Packages

Our musical packages now contain everything our teachers requested during these hundreds of school workshops and performances. Each package contains our original inclusions: script and lyric copymasters, vocal demonstrations and performance backing tracks. Additionally, in response to many requests, they also feature: digital backdrops, sound effects, casting advice and audition parts.

And now, all our musicals are available as Instant Digital Downloads.
Buy today: Start rehearsing tomorrow!

These helpful features will certainly save you time and money. Of even more value though, are the years of experience that inform each musical. This unique combination of experience and expertise guarantees that each musical is sheer enjoyment: sure-fire entertainment for performers and audiences alike.

Check out our best selling school musicals: Quest – A New Hero In Fantasyland, The Lonestar Cowboy and Under The Big Top.

Classroom Music Programs

Want to bring our signature catchy music and backing tracks into your Classroom Music Program?

We have you covered! Check out our iconic Rock Recorder series, the unique Rock The Marimba and the popular Rock Percussion program.

Contact Us

We offer gold standard customer support. Not sure how to stage a scene? Worried about a casting dilemma? Not sure how to allocate songs to grade groups? All our school musicals come with personalized support. We are only too happy to share our years of experience and expertise, to offer hints and suggestions to help you at any stage of your production journey.

Simply email me – Alison, I would love to hear from you:  info@rockedmusic.com

What Others Are Saying About RockED…

Quest – A New Hero In Fantasyland was a sheer delight from beginning to end. This was a totally engaging production for all ages. The younger students loved the fairy tale characters and the seniors appreciated the modern humor and contemporary performance tracks.”
Saint Joachim School

“Our production of Robin of Sherwood was just so much fun! The students adored the catchy songs, in fact they are still singing them now – long after the production has finished!”
Saint Jude School